New York State Department of Health
In addition to safety risks, many jobs also present risks of disease, illness and other long-term Health problems. Among the most common occupational diseases are various forms of pneumoconiosis, including silicosis and coal worker’s pneumoconiosis . Asthma is another respiratory illness that many workers are vulnerable to. Workers may also be vulnerable to skin diseases, including eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, sunburn, and skin cancer. Other occupational diseases of concern include carpal tunnel syndrome and lead poisoning.
Consider using a newer browser such as Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities This website brings together a broad range of regional statistics about the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities. Australia’s welfare 2021 The AIHW’s 15th biennial report on the welfare of Australians. The provincial government is partnering with Beal University in Bangor, Maine, which will allow up …